Evidence-Based Nutrition for Action Sports

Evidence-based nutrition refers to the practice of making dietary decisions based on the best available scientific evidence. This approach to nutrition emphasizes the importance of relying on well-conducted research studies and high-quality data to inform our eating habits and make informed decisions about what to eat.

Why should we care about 'evidence-based' nutrition?

There are several reasons why people should follow an evidence-based approach to nutrition.

  1. Prevents Misinformation: The field of nutrition is often inundated with misinformation and conflicting information, making it difficult for people to know what to believe and what to do. By relying on evidence-based nutrition, we can be confident that they are making decisions based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

  2. Capitalise on Decades of Research: An evidence-based approach allows anyone to capitalise on the decades of sports nutrition research. There is a wealth of literature around the best practice for sports nutrition that has been established by highly qualified researchers, academics and professors. By following a plan that is based on the best available scientific evidence, people can be confident that they are doing everything they can to improve their health, performance & recovery. 

  3. Avoids Unnecessary Restrictions: Many diets impose restrictive eating patterns and limit certain foods or food groups. Evidence-based nutrition emphasizes the importance of a balanced and varied diet, and does not advocate for avoiding any particular food or food group unless there is strong evidence to support doing so.

  4. Promotes Sustainable Eating Habits: Evidence-based nutrition encourages people to adopt healthy eating habits that are sustainable over the long term. This approach helps people to make changes that they can stick to, rather than making drastic and unsustainable changes that are difficult to maintain.

What's the verdict?

Following an evidence-based approach to nutrition is the most effective and safest way to improve your health, performance and recovery. By relying on the best available scientific evidence, you can be confident that you're making informed decisions about what to eat, and maximising the positive effect nutrition can play on the amount of STOKE you have in your life!

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